Freaky Eye Tricks
Eye Tricks: Two Shades of Green...
Do you see the two shades of green above? Would you believe that there is actually only one shade of green?
Eye Tricks: FREAKY Spiral
Stare at the center of the spiral for about 60 seconds. Now look at your hand... it will appear to look like bugs are crawling UNDER your skin!
Eye Tricks: Lightbulb Illusion
Stare at the lightbulb for about 30 seconds.Then stare at the white area around the screen.The lightbulb will begin to GLOW!!
Eye Tricks: Amazing Optical Illusion
Stare at the black dot... After a whilethe grey haze will begin to shrink!
Eye Tricks: Perplexing Illusion!
Try focusing on the center circle while moving your head in and out